Our Locations
Blue Sky Farms is a multi-site dairy and farming business located in the Texas panhandle and central Texas, and proudly produces 175,000 gallons of milk per day. In addition to milking cows, we raise our own heifers and grow crops including, corn, sorghum, alfalfa, haygrazer, grass, wheat, and triticale. Blue Sky Farms provides a career to more than 330 people across the various locations of the business.
Texas Panhandle
High Plains Dairy

Jesus Ojeda
Friona, TX
- Started in 2002
- Parlor – 72 Cow Rotary
- Cows Milked Twice per Day
- Cow Housing: Cross-Ventilated Freestall Barns
- 47 Employees
- Produces enough milk to feed approximately 225,000 people dairy products
Something interesting about this location:
- AFI Milk Meters
- Temperature Monitoring in Cross Ventilation Barns
- Close-Loop System for Barn Flushes
Ridge View Dairy

Eduardo Vargas
Friona, TX
- Started in 2014
- Parlor – Double 44 Parallel
- Cows Milked Twice per Day
- Cow Housing – Open Lot Pens with Shades
- 32 Employees
- Produces enough milk to feed approximately 130,000 People Dairy Products
Something interesting about this location:
- Enclosed Feed Center
- Cow Cooling System in Holding Pen
- Water System
Sandhill Dairy

Tanner Mesman
Muleshoe, TX
- Started in 2021
- Parlor – Double 30 Parallel
- Cows Milked Three Times per Day
- Cow Housing – Open Lot Pens with Shades
- 22 Employees
- Produces enough milk to feed approximately 85,000 people dairy products
Something interesting about this location:
- Allflex eSense tags for Herd Health Monitoring
- RFID Sort Gates
High Plains Farms

Friona, TX
- Irrigated and Dry Land Farming of 8,700 acres
- Forages Grown for the Dairies- Corn, Sorghum, Haygrazer, Grass, Wheat, Rye, and Triticale
- Farming Activities Provided by Farm- Fieldwork, Planting, Spraying, and Irrigation
- Utilize Manure Nutrients from the Dairy for Soil Fertility & Crop Needs
- 7 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- VFD Drives for Wells and Lagoon Pumping
- Remote Pivot Monitoring
- Both Pivot & Drip Irrigation Systems
- Involvement with Pump Company
Zipper Farms

Muleshoe, TX
- Irrigated and Dry Land Farming of 10,500 acres
- Forages Grown for the Dairies- Corn, Sorghum, Haygrazer, Grass, Wheat, Rye, and Triticale
- Farming Activities Provided by Farm- Fieldwork, Planting, Spraying, and Irrigation
- Have Cattle on Wheat Pasture
- Utilize Manure Nutrients from the Dairy for Soil Fertility & Crop Needs
- 5 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- VFD Drives for Wells and Lagoon Pumping
- Remote Pivot Monitoring
- Both Pivot & Drip Irrigation Systems
- Involvement with Pump Company
Grand View Dairy

Matthew Beckerink
Plainview, TX
- Started in 2021
- Parlor – 72 Cow Rotary
- Cows Milked Three Times per Day
- Cow Housing – Free Stall Barns & Open Lot Pens
- 48 Employees
- Produces enough milk to feed approximately 175,000 people dairy products
Something interesting about this location:
- AFI Milk Meters & Pedometers for Herd Health Monitoring
- Compost Bedding for Freestall Barns
Midway Heifer Yard

Clint Al-ag
Hart, TX
- Started in 2014
- Raises the Heifers for the Dairies from Day Old until 21 Months
- Calves are fed Pasteurized Whole Milk from BSF Dairies
- 68 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- Feedyard that has been converted to a Heifer Facility
- Track Individual Weights on Heifers – 4 times by the age of 13 Months
- Ensure Calves are receiving needed Colostrum for a Healthy Beginning to Life
- 900,000 Pounds of Feed Delivered Each Day to Heifers
Cotton Lane Dairy

David Christopher
Idalou, TX
- Started in 2017
- Parlor – Double 30 Parallel
- Cows Milked 2 Times per Day
- Cow Housing – Open Lot Pens with Shades
- 24 Employees
- Produces enough milk to feed approximately 125,000 People Dairy Products
Something interesting about this location:
- DC305 for Herd Information
- Pocket CowCard (EID)
- FeedWatch for Feeding
Grand View Farms

Chad Black
Plainview, TX
- Started in 2021
- Irrigated and Dry Land Farming of 5,400 acres
- Forages Grown for the Dairies- Corn, Sorghum, Haygrazer, Grass, Wheat, Rye, and Triticale
- Farming Activities Provided by Farm- Fieldwork, Planting, Spraying, and Irrigation
- Utilize Manure Nutrients from the Dairy for Soil Fertility & Crop Needs
- 4 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- VFD Drives for Wells and Lagoon Pumping
- Remote Pivot Monitoring
- Pivot Irrigation Systems
- Involvement with Pump Company
Midway Farms

Hart, TX
- Started in 2014
- Irrigated and Dry Land Farming of 2,000 acres
- Forages Grown for the Heifer Yard- Sorghum, Haygrazer, Grass, Wheat, Rye, and Triticale
- Farming Activities Provided by Farm- Fieldwork, Planting, Spraying, and Irrigation
- Utilize Manure Nutrients from the Heifer Yard for Soil Fertility & Crop Needs
- 1 Employee
Something interesting about this location:
- Data Management for all Farm Locations
- GPS Management for all Farm Equipment
- VFD Drives for Wells and Lagoon Pumping
- Remote Pivot Monitoring
- Pivot Irrigation Systems
- Involvement with Pump Company
Quality Harvesting

Chase Black
Hart, TX
- Started in 2017
- Silage Harvesting for Corn, Sorghum, and Wheat for Texas Locations
- 4 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- Silage yield mapping
- 280,000 Tons Harvested in 2022
Central Hauling

Veldon Wallace
Hub, TX
- Started in 2020
- Support for Texas Panhandle Locations
- Manure Hauling & Spreading
- Swathing of Wheat & Grass Crops
- Rehauling of silage
- Local Hay Hauling
- Equipment Hauling
- 7 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- Manure Spreading Mapping
Stinnett Farms

Kyle Whitmore
Stinnett, TX
- Started in 2020
- Irrigated and Dry Land Farming of 7,700 acres
- Forages Grown for the Dairies- Corn, Alfalfa, Haygrazer, Grass, and Wheat
- Farming Activities Provided by Farm- Fieldwork, Planting, Spraying, and Irrigation
- 5 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- Some Pivot Systems Walk Over Ramps for Oil Wells
- Caterpillar Engine Powered Wells
- VFD Drives for Wells
- Remote Pivot Monitoring
- Pivot Irrigation Systems
Blue Sky Farm Management

Jessica Martinez
Office Manager (Friona)

Carol Worley
Office Manager (Canyon)
Friona, TX & Canyon, TX
- Started in 2013 (Canyon office opened in 2016)
- Manage many facets of agricultural production, a pump company, and sports complex
- Numerous business officers, accountants, and support staff for IT, Safety, and overall operations
- 16 Employees
Something interesting about this location:
- Employ AI to make business management more streamlined
- Use other software’s to track scale tickets, fuel usage, and employee trainings
- Constantly testing different technologies to make operations more efficient
Central Texas
Southland Dairy

Cody DeWit
Dublin, TX
- Started in 2012
- Parlor – Double 30 Parallel
- Cows Milked Twice per Day
- Cow Housing – Cross Ventilated Freestall Barns
- 39 Employees
- Produces enough milk to feed approximately 130,000 People Dairy Products
- Irrigated and Dry Land farming of 1,500 acres
- Forages grown on farm for the dairy: two Corn crops every year, Wheat, Rye, Triticale, Sudan, and Bermuda grass
Something interesting about this location:
- Facility converted from open lot to cross ventilated free stall barn
- Sand pit on farm used for bedding
- Utilizes collar monitoring system to track activity and rumination on cows